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43 Terror, pit, and trap will be used[a] against you
    who live in Moab,”
        declares the Lord.
44 “The one who flees from the terror
    will fall into a pit.
And the one who comes up out of the pit
    will be caught in a trap.
For I’ll bring upon her, that is upon Moab,
    the time of her[b] punishment,”
        declares the Lord.
45 “The fugitives will stand without strength
    in the shadow of Heshbon,
for fire will go out from Heshbon
    and a flame from the middle of Sihon.
It will devour the forehead of Moab
    and the heads of the rebellious people.[c]

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  1. Jeremiah 48:43 The Heb. lacks used
  2. Jeremiah 48:44 Lit. their
  3. Jeremiah 48:45 Lit. sons of tumult